近日,本所岳丽萍律师、杨荣宽律师(Authors: Yue Liping, Yang Rongkuan)专业论文《公司法在合规语境下的规则设计及其关键路径研究》(Paper Title: Research on Rule Design and Critical Path of Company Law in Corporate Compliance Context)为外文期刊英国弗朗西斯学术出版社 Francis Academic Press, The Frontiers of Society, Science and Technology (ISSN:2616-7433)(社会科学与技术前沿)收录并发表。
Once financial fraud, bribery, corruption, and other illegal acts occur in the company’s operation, it will have a great impact on its reputation and development. Only by combining China’s national conditions and establishing the company law according to the corporate compliance system and standards, can we better safeguard the interests of the company and make the company become a leader who abides by the social rules and guides the moral culture. This paper discusses the legal basis and specific path of company law design based on the corporate compliance system.
In a word, moving into compliance requirements in company law is an inevitable choice for enterprise development under the global economic development trend. Through this method, the faith appeal of the company law can be improved, and the profitability of the company can be better restrained. While safeguarding the company’s own interests, we should enhance its international competitiveness so that it can better adapt to the development of global economic integration.
本篇英文字符1.1万,同时为知网(CNKI)、Doi数据库、百度学术、谷歌学术收录。The Frontiers of Society, Science and Technology (ISSN:2616-7433)(社会科学与技术前沿),为英文权威学术刊物,本所律师基于跨境法律服务的深耕与多维度研究,期待为跨境法律服务提供更多格局与探索。
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